This first episode is titled “The Origin Of Spiderman” ( No hyphen ). For some reason, Ralph Bakshi decided to start Season 2 with Spider-Man’s origin, even though we’ve already had a whole season’s worth of adventures. He obviously knew something about the character, and I think he probably preferred tackling the different personal problems of Peter Parker ( Try saying THAT three times fast ), which was barely touched upon in the first season.
This is probably the most-watched episode of this series. It was featured on a mass-produced video tape released by Prism Video in the 80s, it was an extra on the original DVD release of the first Spider-Man film, and also the “Ultimate Villain Showdown” release of episodes from the 90s Spider-Man cartoon.
The background of Peter’s high school is re-used numerous times throughout the series. |
Just as in the comic story, a couple of Peter Parker’s classmates are trying to convince him to join them and three other girls, but Pete is more interested in attending a science exhibit. Couldn’t they have used characters from the comics, like “Flash” and “Harry”, instead of “Sal” and “Moose"? Anyway, it seems that Peter would rather watch a demonstration in radioactivity.
Nice reflection of P.P. in the car's rear view mirror. |
If you’ve already watched the first season’s worth of episodes, you’ve probably noticed the second season has a different look to it. The backgrounds are a lot fuller, and have a richer color pallate. Also, the animation isn’t as smooth as the first season, which wasn’t all that smooth to begin with.
Unbeknownst to the onlookers, a small spider has entered the picture, taking on mass doses of radiation ( There doesn't appear to be much in the way of shielding in this lab, it's a miracle the entire school didn't get super powers! ). Falling to its death, the eight legged creature makes one small pit stop on the way, on the back of Mr. Parker's hand, sinking its teeth in for a final meal.
The “radioactivity” looks more like electricity. |
Feeling queezy, Pete steps out for some fresh air, wondering what has come over him. We then see him zoom along on his scooter, stopping to look out over the river and reflect on the days events. Continuing to walk ( He must have left his set of wheels on the pier! ), he almost runs into a couple of would-be biker types. "Watch where you're walkin', ya' four eyed foul-up!" they spout off to the daydreaming teen, even though he's not wearing glasses. Peter's reflexes act instinctively, and he smashes a steel lamp post, snapping it in two. The bikers freak out and run away in a goofy manner, where their feet seem to be doing an awful lot of moving, but they don't seem to be getting away any faster. "This cat's a tiger!"
“Four eyed? But I’m not even wearing glasses!” |
For some reason the DVD subtitles say "four-eyed prowler". |
This episode is thought to be a pretty faithful adaptation of Amazing Fantasy #15, but it’s actually almost taken word for word from Spectacular Spider-Man Magazine #1 ( July, 1968 ), including the “Four-eyed foul-up” line. It’s a straightforward re-telling of the origin, only it omits Peter’s attempt at a wrestling career. In fact we don’t get to see him “audition” at all.
More confused than ever, Peter continues walking ( Boy, all these streets look alike, don’t they? ) right out into traffic. He’s so caught up in his own thoughts that he almost doesn’t notice that an oncoming car is headed right for him, "The driver doesn't see me!". Though the driver is clearly surprised by something that he sees. Pete jumps out of the way to safety, and then realizes he's clinging to the side of the freakin’ building! He has, in effect, become a human sized spider, leaping from rooftop to rooftop ( It's a wonder nobody spotted him ). He surmises that it must be from the spider bite, that it has somehow changed him.
In a demonstration of total overkill, Pete manages to jump about 10 stories straight up to avoid an oncoming car. |
Love the first season music in this episode. Throughout the season 2-3 episodes, a lot of the music cues are Ray Ellis material used in the first season. In this episode, we get to hear most of the music unedited, like the instrumental version of the theme song when Pete discovers his spider powers.
Pete wonders aloud if there's some way he can cash in on his newfound spider powers to maybe make a buck or two to help out his Aunt May and ( Unusually frail here ) Uncle Ben. Unlike the comic, here we don't get a sense of the closeness that Pete shared with his Aunt and Uncle before the inevitable tragedy befalls them. So, no wheatcakes.
Peter puts his know-how to good use and designs a pair of web-shooters, rationalizing that a spider must have a web. And he also figures he'll need a costume and name, calling himself ( what else ) Spider-Man! "Okay world, better hang onto your hats!"
One of the most glaring animation errors of the entire series- the red and blue on Spidey's costume are inexplicably reversed. |
The animators weren't the only ones to ever make that mistake! |
The voice actors are giving us a depth that we haven’t heard in this series so far, especially Paul Soles as Peter Parker / Spider-Man. He does a great job of making the change between the softer voiced Parker and the deeper Spidey voice throughout the entire series. Soles doesn't over-campify the far out nature of the stories, and puts a slight more serious edge in his voice to accentuate the slightly more serious tone of the episodes of season two compared to those of season one. His voice has a slight Adam West quality to it, which isn't a bad thing. Here it really works. It’s his voice that was always the voice of Spider-Man in my head as I read my comic books as a kid.
Spidey figures he’s got to be the answer to Ed Sullivan’s prayers, and as it turns out, his audition is a big success. A gangly, off model Spider-Man strolls down a very badly animated hallway, when a thief, making his getaway, comes barreling past the Wall Crawler, who fails to stop the criminal. His reason: From now on he only looks after number one, "And that means me!"
"I didn't do it! Ya' never saw me, man!" |
These Bakshi-produced episodes were thrown together in a very short time frame, usually about a week! Since this first episode was put together from scratch ( almost ), I’m guessing his crew had a little more time to make it shine. Most of the backgrounds are fairly detailed, even though a great many of them are repeated throughout this episode ( And the entire series, come to think of it! ).
Peter Parker arrives home to a house surrounded by police cars. It seems Uncle Ben has been murdered. The police have the culprit holed up in an old warehouse, where he has sufficiently held them off, but he won't hold off Spider-Man!
Light beams don’t match up to headlights on car. |
Cue the Spider-Man theme as our hero makes his way to the old Acme warehouse. He comments that the warehouse is on the other side of town, which I guess is a good reason to stretch out the episode a little more by showing more stock scenes of him swinging.
He finally gets to the murderer's hideout, where outside, police cars crisscross the building with searchlights. Inside, Spider-Man confronts the man who killed his uncle, freaking out the criminal, "A guy who walks on walls and shoots webs like a spider!".
“You can’t hide from me!” |
I just love the image of Spider-Man entering the warehouse through the doorway, shrouded in shadow ( possibly the best single image of animation of the character in the entire series ), and the impact of the punch, flooring the killer with one mighty blow that still makes my teeth rattle every time I see it. “This is for the man you killed!”. Not your typical Saturday morning fare, courtesy of Ralph Bakshi.
“This is for the man you killed!” |
Spider-Man gets a good look at the unconscious crook for the first time and sees the thief he'd let escape earlier. The one he could have stopped, if he only had bothered.
He rationalizes "Uncle Ben is dead, and in a sense it is really I who killed him!", learning the lesson that with great power, there must also be great responsibility. From that day forward, Spider-Man vows to never again shirk his duty, thus, a legend is born. As Spidey jumps off into the sunset, leaping from building to building, landing in midair, not once, but twice. Ahh, someone didn't match up the over-used stock animation with the correct over-used background painting!
With great power, there must also ALWAYS be GREAT ANIMATION ERRORS |
What a dramatic change from the light hearted stories of the first season! We went from Spider-Man fighting magical musicians to people being murdered! That had to be a shocker for the kids watching this show when it first aired on Saturday mornings. Even though the animation runs hot and cold in this episode, it works really well for the most part, thanks to the moodier look this season has taken.
Spidey swings past the same pier where he left his motorbike earlier, only somebody must’ve snagged it, because now it’s gone. See? This is why he can’t have nice things. |
“Robbers, killers: Beware! Spider-Man is here!”
NEXT: Fat Slob